Thursday, March 10, 2011

Can I Make My Toilet Bowl Glow

This is Rcr your favourite radio station

of Sunday Giannini
Association RCr Radio Center Rose Garden, after a complaint led back into the ether, since last summer, in fact, known to cheer the afternoon radio programs week-end. Also extends to the streaming and the web, keeping updated on the site, an information tool especially for the many residents who do not access every day at . The association, which has renewed the governing bodies on August 18, 2010, seeks the same objective that formed back in the '70s, ie the information in the local area, now known on the frequency 88.0 FM. The first task of the association is the work in the composition of the website, which meets early intervention with information on local news, events and activities in the city. It comes with an inviting home page on the right to be 'immediately have access to listening to the radio online, while you can leave a message on the Guestbook, logging in the area reserved to the left of the page. The central screen is dedicated to the many local news articles that make up a list, supplied and updated to satisfy every curiosity. In addition, forthcoming sulla stessa pagina, “La
Rubrica del Presidente” in cui, con cadenza settimanale, il Presidente
dell'associazione esprimerà la propria opinione su fatti di attualità. I
ragazzi che oggi lavorano nell'ambito della RCR stanno riorganizzando il
palinsesto radiofonico, ossia  
occupare degli spazi giornalieri in cui ognuno di loro con la sua
passione, la sua semplicità e il suo impegno allieterà qualche ora delle nostre

cerchio delle attività c'è anche la componente religiosa, a testimonianza dello
spirito cattolico molto presente e attivo nella piccola comunità rosetana, e
quindi con l'impegno del Pastor Don Antonio De Stefano makes possible the broadcast of vespers and the main religious services held at the church of St. Nicholas for the group this service represents another source of pride because it offers the opportunity to follow the religious life of the parish elderly homebound by illness, keeping in mind that the small town has a high percentage of elderly residents. It can therefore be considered carefully handing an association that works with all age groups. But none of this touches all the interest of City yesterday and today: this is the only drawback of a close-knit group, willing, an organization active and a job that might be more useful in the interests of the country, not to mention also that the RCR is registered with the Region of Puglia in the list of Associations of Puglia in the world. "
Despite this, the people rose shows the usual interest and participation by joining in large numbers to the membership for the year 2011, thereby supporting the association in many activities.

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L'opinione di tutti, nel rispetto di ognuno

Catherine Capobianco
Editorial of the first issue L'Elf Roseto "
Birth of the Young Look of the City of Roseto and takes life of Roseto the Elf. This publication, printed with the help given to local authority wants to be an open and free of confrontation. He wants to be, first, a tool for growth in Roseto more for the young and anyone who cares about the social, cultural and economic development of our community. On these pages all opinions are welcome and worthy of hospitality , provided they are expressed according to the most basic rules of respect for people and good sense. Who will have space on "The Elf of Roseto" should know that these pages there will be confrontation and the possibility to be heard.
"The Elf of the Rose Garden was established by the Consulta Youth, a group of girls and boys, in a short time, is already proving to want to work towards the good of the community in a spirit of service and great enthusiasm. consulting young people is a body aiming to promote participation, in collaboration with the municipal administration, initiatives and interventions for young people. He only proposing and consulting functions. It involves part of young people aged between 18 and 35 years. E 'consists of four members: the Mayor or a Councillor delegate to youth policy and youth three elected at the first General Assembly of young people that was held April 30, 2010. They are: Stefania Rossi, managing director of the youth policy, the president Catherine Capobianco, the vice president and secretary Giuseppe Giannini Giannini Sunday. The Look has opened so far composed two other General Meetings of young people, one in June and another in November, which has led to various proposals that the City Council has considered carefully. The proposals were approved and that consultation is continuing are: the creation of a theater company for the production of performances to be staged preferably during the summer, the possibility to deepen, through a film club, and not issues related to youth issues, such as drug addiction, crime and the unification of 'Italy, volunteering at elderly people living alone, renamed "volunteer for love", a beautiful experience gained during the festive season, for his invaluable, it was decided to repeat periodically throughout the year, the possibility of operation by some of the local aggregation in Center City for young people so that periodically meet to discuss, evaluate, communicate and much more, planning a trip to Auschwitz (Poland), a cultural event such as intense training, that young people are very enthusiastic, which requires, however, a serious and thorough preparation is not without its difficulties, "The Elf Roseto ", and raise public activities of the Consulta, will keep citizens informed on the progress of the commune and give young people an opportunity to participate actively in civic life and democracy of their country. Other proposals followed, and other activities will be undertaken where there are young because c 'is energy, no excitement, no life.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

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La Consulta Giovani dà vita a "L'Elfo di Roseto"

Roseto - It's called "The Elf of the Rose Garden and aperiodic publication that launched the new journey of commitment undertaken by the Young See the City of Roseto. Its eight pages will be distributed free of charge for citizens Roseto, from Friday, March 11 . The preparation of the first issue was attended, among others, girls and boys who make up the Youth Advisory Board of the organism: Catherine Capobianco, Sunday Giannini, Stefania Rossi and Giuseppe Giannini . In their work are added contributions Mariella Scinto, Domenico Basso, Pietro Frisians, Concetta Capobianco and that of deputy mayor Lucilla Parisi.
"Birth of the Young See the City of Roseto and Elf of the Rose Garden to life. This publication - says in an editorial signed by Catherine Capobianco - given to the press with the help of the municipal administration, wants to be an open and free of confrontation. He wants to be, first, a tool for growth in Roseto more for the young and anyone who cares about the social, cultural and economic nostra
Comunità. Su queste pagine tutte le opinioni saranno ben accette e degne di
ospitalità, a patto che siano espresse secondo le più elementari regole del
rispetto delle persone e del buon senso. L’Elfo di Roseto nasce per volontà
della Consulta Giovani, un gruppo di ragazze e di ragazzi che, in poco tempo,
sta già dimostrando di volere attivarsi per il bene della Comunità con spirito
di servizio e grande entusiasmo”. I contenuti della pubblicazione, per gli
emigrati rosetani e per chiunque ne faccia richiesta con una email a ,
saranno disponibili anche in formato elettronico e verranno pubblicati sul blog .
Un modo per be closer to all Rosetani World and inform them of what is happening in their country of origin.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Images Of Implantation Bleeeding

L'Elfo di Roseto, cresce l'attesa

keenly awaiting the release of "The Elf of the Rose Garden , publication conceived by the Young See the City of Roseto. In the photo above, the main protagonists of this initiative, members of the board of the Consulta. The Elf of the Rose Garden, which will be released within the next week, will present a simple but attractive graphics, and especially with so many articles about commitment, sports, volunteer work and many other topics of interest. Eight color pages with photos, articles, news and lots of food for thought. The wait for the release of the forecast, meanwhile, already bouncing on facebook where you have already created the group "The Elf's Rose Garden.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

How Much Would A Block Wall Cost

Renew ...

Today I can touch the sky with a finger and tomorrow are at remote borders of the earth, who knows me or who reads me a little 'know that my mood is swinging like day and night and again night and day, to start rincorresi in the evolution of the moons and climates.
are being thoughtful with many questions that I pose, that each of them try to make sense, everything is spontaneous and natural, to think is a basic thing to me because she gives me a way to understand the mistakes made and people perceive that meeting daily in everyday life.
Sure you'll wonder if I am stuck once again, but it is not why I keep constantly renewed as a person trying to grow professionally, but also on an emotional level and emotional with so many projects that I hope will be realized soon, and more guarded in my dreams, for fear that a mere whisper the spell wears off ..
addition to thinking I'm on a diet then Cercado ricettuole to find simple and tasty if not sbiello and send to hell with the diet and in four quatrotto.


Ingredients 1 medium sized boiled potato 2

shitake mushrooms 2 pom pom
3 thread of olive oil, hazelnuts
1 tablespoon bread crumbs
half a tablespoon of parmesan cheese
1 sprig of rosemary
1 clove garlic salt and pepper to taste

In a pan fry a clove of garlic with olive oil as soon as the fragrance will smell will add the mushrooms previously cut (in stripes) and trimmed.
salt and pepper and cook, trying not to break them.
in a bowl add the chopped 5 nocciotle, Parmesan, bread crumbs, oil, stir well until mixture is crumbly (like a crumble).
Cut the potatoes and started to line the pan with a layer of potatoes and a mushroom alternando tra uno e l'altro la granella.
Finite la teglia con la granella infornate a 180° per circa 10/15 minuti.
Servite caldo, facendo attenzione a non ustionarvi...

tortino di patate e funghi

Buon appetito..

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pan Fried Haddock Calories

A Roseto, Alberona e Bovino il Festival dei Borghi più belli d'Italia

Roseto - Now it's official: the 2012 edition of the Festival Club of "The Most Beautiful Villages of Italy" was granted Anci in Roseto, Alberona and Cattle . A Roseto's stand will host tour operators and about 200 Italian municipalities in the National Association of Italian Municipalities recognized quality certification, eco-tourism. On 11 March, just in Roseto, will be held the first working meeting between representatives of Commons of captains that will host the various events of the Festival. It 'an international event in the preparation of the Mountains Dauni: even in 2012, in fact, attend the festival over the world and buyers from Europe, Asia and the United States.
ROSETO-Alberoni . For the first time ever , the organization of the Festival will be shared by two countries close together. Roseto and Alberona are less than 10 km from each other and both qualifying for major awards: the first, in addition to holding the banner amaranth, is one of the municipalities reported by Legambiente for the effectiveness of policies against the landslide risk, the second Alberona, is also "Orange Flag" Touring Club
Puglia, which EXCELS . Puglia, with nine "most beautiful villages in Italy, holds the record of the South That of Foggia, five municipalities have entered into this special network, is considered among the inland provinces with the most interesting. Nell'Apulia who excels, in addition, there is another significant record: the largest number of most beautiful villages in Italy, throughout the South, is the prerogative of the Mountains Dauni amaranth to soar with the brand on the inputs of Alberona, Cattle, and Roseto Pietramontecorvino to which is added a representative of the Cape, Vico del Gargano .
THE CLUB OF "HIDDEN TREASURES" . The club of "The Most Beautiful Villages of Italy" was born in March 2001 by the Council for Tourism of the Association of Italian Municipalities. To be eligible, municipalities must answer a series of structural requirements, such as the architectural harmony of the urban housing stock and quality of public and private, general and pertaining alla vivibilità del borgo in termini di attività e di servizi al cittadino. Occorre inoltre impegnarsi per migliorare costantemente tali requisiti poiché l'ingresso nel Club non ne garantisce la permanenza.

MONTI DAUNI, NUOVA RISORSA . L’assegnazione del Festival a Roseto, Alberona e Bovino è un’ulteriore prova di come l’area dei Monti Dauni possa essere considerata una nuova risorsa, per la provincia di Foggia e l’intera Puglia, da integrare in un’offerta più matura e completa del territorio: la Capitanata, con il Gargano e i centri dell’Appennino Dauno, può letteralmente offrire ‘mari e monti’, splendidi tratti di costa e sentieri per gli escursionisti.
I Dauni Monti has 30 municipalities (with Lucera, the largest town), over 500 churches, sites of Community interest and ethnographic museums, 8 countries with certified brand of quality tourism environment. The rivers, lakes, wildlife reserves Dauni Mountains are a unique environmental and precious, a real reservoir of biodiversity by protecting and promoting the addition of a food and wine heritage of all relief.

Monday, February 28, 2011

Replacement Jars For Spice Rack

Contro gli anonimi vigliacchi, la solidarietà a Lucilla Parisi e all'Amministrazione comunale

"La Gazzetta del Mezzogiorno", about the anonymous flyers full of insults and falsehoods in regard to Lucilla Parisi and the municipal administration of Roseto, wrote of a "sleazy" attempt to discredit. The letter Mayor Nicholas Apicella has found a place on all major net journal of captains and regional news sites. From "The Grecale ( CLICK HERE) to PUGLIANEWS ( CLICK HERE) to continue with NEWSeTV \u200b\u200b( CLICK HERE). DauniaNews has significantly titled "NO TO THE CAR OF THE MUD" (CLICK HERE ). Solidarity for Lucilla Parisi has also found space on the following net Jornal (clicking on the name of the news you access the article):




Friday, February 25, 2011

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Il sindaco Apicella: "Solidarietà a Lucilla Parisi, contro di lei le calunnie di vigliacchi costruttori di fango"

ROSETO VALFORTORE – A nome mio e di tutta l’Amministrazione Comunale che rappresento in qualità di sindaco, esprimo la più completa solidarietà e vicinanza alla vicesindaco Lucilla Parisi e alla sua famiglia che in questi giorni sono stati vittime di ripetuti e vergognosi attacch i, frutto evidente della irresponsabilità e della vigliaccheria dei loro anonimi autori. I volantini che abbiamo letto in questi giorni, pieni di odio, insulti e di falsità macroscopiche, rappresentano un fatto gravissimo: chi sta alimentando la mud machine must know that the City Administration will not be intimidated and will compact support in every component that should come under fire from those who only want to destroy, discredit and slander.
the local-council members and leaders of the PDL , which certainly have no part to assemble the machine mud ask you to condemn and distance themselves publicly and forcefully by the way, and the merits of the absurd, foolish and irresponsible accusations about those cowardly anonymous flyers .
satisfy even indirectly mechanisms and targets of these despicable attacks would be very serious. Lucilla Parisi, as well as a wonderful person, a woman who in the past 10 years has provided an extraordinary contribution of passion and expertise to the government of our town. Lucilla Parisi is a clean person, a woman in politics has made and continues to act with transparency and transportation.
From Mayor to Councillors, each of the directors and executive municipal employee, this is a municipality that is producing any useful effort to give continuity to the many positive things implemented in recent years. The undersigned is far away from its responsibilities and prerogatives of the mayor of all Rosetani. The vast majority of our citizens rejected the climate of hate and poisons opened the season by a gang of faceless. The 'builders' of mud that are delinquent, the same way as organized crime, impunity of anonymity and use the language Mafia to undermine the elements of cohesion and legality of a Community . Cowardly and irresponsible persons who act in this way. For our country, for the good of Roseto, we want, not the sleazy horror films projected by the user of ways and languages \u200b\u200bCamorra. When myself and many people were in opposition of the majority, we have always expressed our views openly take responsibility statements, criticisms and complaints about administrative and political activity. We did this by signing the documents with full names and never slander anyone. E 'in this way that we mean not only politics but life in all its aspects and dimensions. Unlike the cowardly anonymous authors of these pamphlets, we are decent people.
The mayor of Roseto Nicola Apicella

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Spikes For Rockstars Wheels

Roseto, finalmente l'Adsl

Roseto - From yesterday, Wednesday, February 23, citizens of Roseto can use the ADSL internet connection.
Telecom announced that the City had finally taken steps to establish the signal that allows users can quickly access the world wide web. A very important news for Roseto, considering how many people are in the country using the Internet to keep in touch with friends and family emigrated to other parts of Italy, abroad and overseas. Are different, also the Web sites that promote the village and spread the news that concern him: the official website of the City ( at the site of the Pro Loco ( of the window ' Ecological Observatory ( to the new blog is updated daily on news, events, people and curiosities concerning Roseto (

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Monti Dauni, insieme per cultura e turismo

TROJA - La settimana a Troja è iniziata con una strana novità: in ogni angolo della città vi sono inusuali valigie appese agli alberi , ai lampioni e ai semafori. Su ogni valigia vi sono bandierine di paesi stranieri e frasi in lingue diverse e, infine, c’è la classica freccia marrone che indica le località turistiche. Cos’è questa eccentrica novità? E’ la campagna di promozione di “A.c.t! Monti Dauni – Associazione Culturale & Turistica” , un modo originale di presentare il progetto vincitore del programma regionale “Principi Attivi” che si propone di rilanciare cultura e turismo a Troja e nei Monti Dauni attraverso l’attivazione di servizi turistici e la realizzazione di eventi culturali.

Le valigie sono il simbolo di un duplice auspicio: l’auspicio che arrivino i turisti, innanzitutto. Ma anche l’auspicio che i produttori, i ristoratori, gli albergatori e gli operatori culturali del territorio cooperino per trasformare i Monti Dauni in una meta turistica rinomata. E’ questo l’obiettivo principale di “A.c.t! Monti Dauni”: costruire sinergie con gli enti e le imprese che lavorano da sempre per promuovere il territorio. Le valigie, infine, sono anche il simbolo di un gruppo di giovani che, dopo anni spesi al nord o all’estero, ha deciso di tornare nella propria terra per realizzare qui i propri progetti.

Di questo ed altro di parlerà all’iniziativa di presentazione del progetto “A.c.t!” che avrà luogo a Troja Venerdì 25 Febbraio 2011 alle ore 17.30 presso la Sala Consiliare di Palazzo D’Avalos . All’incontro parteciperanno i responsabili degli enti di promozione turistica, la diocesi Lucera-Troja e i principali rappresentanti istituzionali, tra i quali l’Assessore regionale al Turismo Silvia Godelli. Ma vi saranno anche pièce teatrali nelle quali incontreremo il Marchese D’Avalos, il catapano Basilio Boioannes, il misterioso architetto della Cattedrale Bernardus e l’imperatore Federico II. L’iniziativa si end with a tasting of typical products of the Mountains Dauni.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

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E 'matter of Butter ...

A mio avviso è fondamentale prendere confidenza con gli ingredienti con cui abbiamo a che fare: ognuno di questi ha caratteristiche organolettiche diverse e meno male se no sapete che piattume ci sarebbe nel mondo della cucina?...
Ogni qualvolta sento citare la parola burro, mi si illuminano gli occhi e penso a quando i miei nonni mi raccontavano nei minimi particolari le loro storie d'infanzia, e come con un attrezzo rudimentary wooden spent hours to get those little pats of gold.
It 's a very valuable ingredient though nowadays they are in great quantity and quality ..
The recipe below contains two products, the production of Fiandino Farms.
The first is the famous salted butter 1889, the second (no less important than the first) the Great kinara .
The two ingredients are both products of great quality and unique flavor.
Through close collaboration with Sandra Farms Fiandino and Liberlab , the best 30 recipes chosen by the publisher Araba Felice will published in a book devoted entirely to the salted butter.

warmly thank the Farms Fiandino products and sent for full availability and reliability



for cooked cream 600 g milk 100 g sugar

4 eggs 2 egg yolks 40 g of Great

for pears in red wine 75 cl
4 medium pears
cloves 1 stick of cinnamon 2 tablespoons sugar

caramelized wine sauce 8 tablespoons of wine (used for cooking the pears)

8 tablespoons sugar 80 g unsalted butter

Pere e Salsa caramellata al vino delle Langhe

Beat the eggs with the sugar. The consistency should be soft and fluffy and light yellow. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.
Heat the milk in a saucepan. As soon as you reach a boil, turn off the heat and pour slowly into egg mixture and sugar, stirring quickly and constantly so that the egg will cook.
Divide into eight molds and place in a baking pan filled with water, taking special care to ensure that the water does not reach the edge of the molds.
Bake for about 45/50 minutes.
Once baked, let cool custard. Meanwhile
washed, peeled and cleaned with care the pears, cut in half.
Pour the wine into a saucepan with a tablespoon of sugar, cloves and cinnamon stick. Join the pears and then gently bring to a boil, then turn off and let cool.
Finally, in a small saucepan, add 2 tablespoons sugar and 3 tablespoons of cooking wine and let the pears mix all ingredients, as soon as small bubbles are formed, add 2 knobs of butter salt and keep on low heat until the sauce is caramelized and reach a smooth texture and dense.
Compose the dish.


Enjoy ..

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Smelly Gloves Sweat Ski

Roseto, uno dei "Borghi più belli d'Italia"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

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Roseto è un "Comune Fiorito"

Roseto - After the label of "most beautiful villages in Italy" and the ISO 14001 certification for environmental policies, Roseto acquires a new recognition to "City of flowers " . Along with 141 other municipalities in Italy, Roseto participated in the contest "Flower Towns" organized by ' Asprolfor in collaboration with Coldiretti . "To give a different image to our country, sharing the desire to build positive attitude, love of nature, spirit of hospitality," This is the meaning of the initiative shown by the organizers.
"Participation in the competition - said the deputy mayor Lucilla Parisi - is just one of many initiatives to promote land which we participate each year. Unlike those who love the controversy at all costs, we believe it is good practice to make any positive aspect of our village. All institutions and national associations working for the tourist development of the Italian places to stimulate the municipalities to present their material heritage e immateriale, anche attraverso una segnaletica stradale che indichi luoghi, monumenti, punti d’interesse. E’ quello che stiamo facendo da molti anni. Al contrario di quanto scrive irresponsabilmente qualcuno, non di autocelebrazione si tratta ma di impegno doveroso per compiere ogni utile sforzo affinché il patrimonio naturalistico, storico e culturale di Roseto Valfortore sia apprezzato e conosciuto appieno”. L’apertura del “Centro Visite” , l’ingresso tra “I Borghi più belli d’Italia” , la realizzazione della piscina comunale sono soltanto alcuni degli obiettivi centrati dall’Amministrazione comunale di Roseto Valfortore negli recent years. Important and will continue to be interventions in the social policy: the 'Adi , the integrated home care service has been reactivated with a budget of some € 60 thousand from the municipal budget.
to support productive activities, trade and employment has been laid, the allocation of € 10 thousand grant for the opening of new workshops. Are most relevant activities carried out for environmental protection: the founding of the Centre of Ecology Apennines, obtaining the ISO 14001 certification, by the increase in waste collection, which will be further enhanced through the door to door service, operations efficiency and savings on public lighting. As regards to infrastructure and public works financed and completed, in the last 10 years the City of Roseto interventions worked for a total of over € 27milioni of , with the redevelopment of the historic center, the safety public buildings and works to contain and counter the hydrogeological. The work already being funded and allocation, however, amounted to € 8.6 million and relate to, among other things, the construction of the new asylum, the infrastructure of the area inter-Pip Roseto-Alberona, il completamento della casa di riposo e il Pirp “Rosito”: un progetto, quest’ultimo, che la Regione Puglia ha finanziato per 2milioni di euro e che prevede non solo il recupero del lotto A della casa di riposo in località Paduli ma anche la riqualificazione di Piazza Vecchia e della palestra comunale, il contributo di 25mila euro per 30 interventi di restauro e recupero di alloggi privati nel centro storico, l’adeguamento funzionale degli alloggi Iacp in via San Salvatore e un piano complessivo di rigenerazione urbana che restituirà un nuovo volto al borgo.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Images Of Frmale Virgaina

Orange and smell of the sea ...

Yesterday, as you all know, was an important day for people in love, I now, and I say thank goodness for two years is that I'm single, and then I spent the day yesterday conscious and determined to enjoy it with people I care more ..
This weekend I was petted and spoiled, I cooked the cake Morena spectacle, to be repeated as soon as possible in times of acute low blood sugar, the squares for the cheese Dad, Anessa stew with the outline, and finally, not at all obvious, the noodles with orange-scented sea ..
I was lucky to have found in all quality ingredients with unique flavors and really overwhelming ...
I have intrigued you? I cease to keep you on your toes and I present my experiment failed to perfection ..

Gambero viola - Aristeus antennatus


Ingredients for the dough

100 g flour 1 egg

a spoon full of powder 'orange
a pinch of salt for seasoning

a glass of shrimp bisque * (explanations for the preparation of the proceedings)
5 shrimp purple Santa Margherita (Aristeus antennatus)
five Sicilian red prawns (Aristeomorpha foliace)
1 sprig of dill

* for the bisque

1 shallot
a trickle of olive oil
shrimp shells and heads of 10
half a glass of white wine or brandy butter 1

The night before prepared a mound the flour, add eggs, one teaspoon of orange powder and a pinch of salt. With a fork, slowly add the eggs to the flour and you'll hear as soon as released into the aroma of orange blossoms. When they are completely incorporated, start working the dough by hand. The dough should be smooth, elastic and very smooth. Let stand for at least half an hour wrapped in foil (or even a whole night like I did). In the morning you pull the dough: as soon as the strips will be a bit 'dried, wrap the dough around itself to form a 5 cm wide roll and cut into strips 1 cm wide.
Arrange the pasta on the plate by cut cardboard and let it rest.
Prepare chopped shallots and saute 30 g of butter over low heat for about 15 minutes, stir for everything good and wet with wine.
Raise the flame and insert the shells and the heads of the shrimp, salt and pepper. Reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes.
off and let cool. Finally drain everything in a chinois, pressing with a spoon, shells and heads, to facilitate the release of the sauce. Put on the bisque fire, season with salt and pepper to the sauce and add a knob of butter.
Boil water, pour the noodles after a few minutes and drain. In a pan add the bisque and stir in the noodles until the sauce is well mixed with the pasta.
Turn off the heat and add the raw shrimp and dill. Stir well together gently and serve.

Tagliatelle all'arancio al profumo di mare

ps I opted for this type of cooking a camber because their flavor is intense and decisive and I love most of the raw fish and soft texture.

Enjoy ...

With this recipe I participate in the contest the band declines "orange" and you're there? Gang of Broccoli

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Good Ways To Masterbate In The Shower For Women

Roseto alla "Disfida del Soffritto di Maiale" Roseto

ROSETO VALFORTORE – La tradizione enogastronomica di Roseto Valfortore sarà una delle componenti più gustose di un grande evento interregionale. Il 5 e il 6 marzo, ad Ariano Irpino (Av), le condotte Slow Food dell’Irpinia e della provincia di Foggia, con la preziosa collaborazione di 14 Comuni (otto campani e sei pugliesi), daranno vita a due giornate che intendono coniugare al futuro gli antichi riti della civiltà contadina. Nel primo fine settimana di marzo, infatti, sarà di scena la quarta edizione della “Disfida del Soffritto di Maiale”. Il ‘porco’ è uno degli animali-simbolo della cultura rurale, per secoli il principale sostentamento alimentare per le comunità daune ed irpine che popolavano le campagne. Oggi il maiale continua ad essere importante sia per ciò che attiene all’economia of animals is as regards the use made of it in supply every day. The "Challenge of fried pork" will be an opportunity to know the area and the countries of the Valley of the Mountains dell'Ufita Dauni through guided tours of farms and butchers' convention. A party, therefore, that not only wants to be a time to gather and folklore, but is characterized as a cultural event, tourism and catering wide-ranging, an event that gives the chance to taste the specialties at the many participating countries related to the pig : ham, salami, coppa, sausages, capicolli, lard, blood, and of course 'His Majesty Fry '.
The Challenge also arises as part of meeting and union between the rural areas of the two most dynamic regions of Southern Italy: Puglia and Campania have ties inseparable, intertwined geographically by the proximity of the provinces of Benevento and Avellino to that of Foggia .
Each country participating in the event, and therefore Roseto, will launch in the challenge by presenting visitors with the browned own processing and other products related to rural culture.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The Game Blunt Wraps Wholesale

Love should not be a secret ...


sorry I thought it was for me ... love means thinking before another / a and then to ourselves ...
Nina knows what is linked to this image and how many times I have written to tell him what I send out that spoon with that cuorino lying softly waiting to be loved ...

Every day you go to roll feel important stories because we no longer know what is really meant by the word LOVE and is much more difficult to compromise and be able to understand the requirements of the person ...
I believe to know and understand one hundred percent the meaning of this word have to reach and try to know yourself first, put love with a capital in everything we do and we love and finally we should try to accept every human being for what he does and especially what we can give ..
All this does not mean that it is difficult to establish and maintain relationships, but nowadays most of the people you drive and use your head because the other does not like and do not know one hundred percent ..
not want to sound neither banal nor rhetoric because you ask me / ask if I know what it means to LOVE ...
I think I know what it is, is because for the past 26 years I played every day the chance to see for myself what is love ..
I am fortunate to have a family style "Mulino Bianco" and I feel very fortunate to have two parents united strongly by 28 years of marriage.
Any decision they have always taken in consultation with and carrying out their thoughts and their hopes and their opinions have the attempt to place them in me and my sister ...
Moments negatvi were discussed together and happy moments have been welcomed with open arms and enjoyed without any hesitation and fear ...
For me love and something to build stable and enduring and trusting someone a precious treasure to be preserved but at the same time having the tenacity and strength to shout about the world ...

With this post I participate in the contest and I Nina

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Condo Coffee Table White

The Anansi Boys.

Perhaps not everyone knows that in China, including sites blocked, there are those whose family name. "".

I just returned from China these days, laughing after a period spent working in the even more delightful Shenzhen.
then what's wrong to laugh Shenzhen escapes me, as a summary and an alienating and endless pouring of concrete and skyscrapers hive whose only true merit is its extreme proximity to the beautiful Hong Kong, but so be it. If nothing else, the subway is neat, orderly and safe, since there are strict prohibitions to enter carrying poisonous potions, games and fireworks hussar saber.

However, although experience it was fun and interesting (and enriched by the presence of characters such as the director level Mauro), also allowed to deposit a generous layer of dust on my blog.

Fortunately for this blog, and for me, there were those who worked for me, in this case Homocavico Marco Marini that while I was busy wasting my weekend watching the beautiful girls from Hong Kong, return amazing in my new doodle, which is passed so that this:
If there were friends that help you to dust ...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

My 14 Month Old Poop Is Watery

Roman Holiday ...

This year has started great with a lot of news, travel and some wanted to change me ...
Recently I have been following a strict diet to lose a few to see kiletto too, the problem is that my feet are turning in force to root filled up with vegetables ...
I'm a little 'detached from the cooking for this, because I eat sbrodaglie are not beautiful to see them to photograph them, but soon I will refer you soon ...
I'm giving it to travel for the first few months are fine as they are making is in the mountains and in Rome, and soon I will be on a cruise, so you know the reason of my continued absences, but do not despair As I head for the buzzing the song Mattia Bazar "Vacanze Romane" I leave you some pictures of my vacation in Rome, are truly unforgettable and always carry in my heart for your emotions and what they see ...

Fori Imperiali

Fori Imperiali

Trinità dei Monti

Trinita dei Monti

Scalinata e Piazza di Spagna

Steps and Piazza di Spagna

Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona

Lungo tevere

Lungo Tevere



La Lupa

La Lupa

Fessura dei cavallieri della crocie di Malta

slot of the Knights of the Cross of Malta

San Pietro

San Pietro

Veduta di Trastervere

View of Trastevere

Altare della patria

Altare della Patria